Welcome to See You At The Square!

"See You At The Square" was created for the sole purpose of praying for Revival in your town square.

At noon, Monday through Friday, we are asking that you will take the time to pray for your city, state, and country.

Saturday, December 31, 2011

A Lot to Live For

Jeremiah 22:3 This is what the Lord says: Be fair-minded and just. Do what is right! Help those who have been robbed; rescue them from their oppressors. Quit your evil deeds! Do not mistreat foreigners, orphans, and widows. Stop murdering the innocent!

Looking at this verse, it is a great way to start off the year with the right perspective. We know that we live in a dark and dying world. Fortunately, we have a God that loves us unconditionally. When I look at this verse, I think about how many opportunities we have to make a difference in people’s lives. We have a lot to live for.

The Lord wants us to be fruitful and prosper according to His ways. When we live the right way and we stand up for people that are being mistreated, God sees our good deeds and will honor our efforts. Who are some people you can help this year that has a need you could meet?  

God never lets any good or bad deed go unnoticed. God will bless and discipline us when we do good and bad things. When we belong to God, our life will change. God will hold us accountable for everything we do good or bad. We have many needs all around us. We have to be looking for ways to influence others in a positive way and help them when we have the chance. Part of living for God is by letting ourselves be a sacrifice so others can be blessed as well.

Friday, December 30, 2011

The Heart of Worship

Jeremiah 17:10 But I, the Lord, search all hearts and examine secret motives. I give all people their due rewards, according to what their actions deserve.”

Matt Redman wrote a song called “The Heart of Worship.” It is one of the most recognizable songs in Christian music today. The purpose of the song was written for his church in England. The congregation had been coming to church for all the wrong reasons. For several weeks, the pastor asked the church to not have any music. Instead, they would worship God in other ways.

Through all of this, the church was able to reconnect to God in ways they never thought possible. Instead of coming to a show, they came to have the most intimate time of worship together than ever before. Instead of listening to great cutting-edge music, top of the line sound, and a phenomenal light show, they took time to pray together and worship God more intimately. What they encountered was inspiring. They were able to come closer together than ever before.

The first verse of the song says, “When the music fades and all is stripped away and I simply come. Longing just to bring, something that’s of worth that will bless your heart.” Matt Redman sang this song at his church the first time they had music again. I would imagine it was just him and a guitar. Sometimes God wants us to slow everything down. He wants us to strip everything away and just simply come with no expectations, no motives, and no worries. God wants us to see things in the right perspective. 

God looks into our hearts before He looks into our pocket books. Make sure you come before God with the right motives. We need to be reminded, just like this church in England did, that God isn’t impressed with all the noise and cutting-edge technology that we think will bring in all the people. God just simply wants our hearts right when we worship. We don’t need all the gizmos and gadgets to do that. Revival broke out in the late 1800’s because people got on their hands and knees and prayed. Everything else is just to enhance our experience, but don't let that be the main reason why you worship.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Don't Waiver

Jeremiah 15:19
This is how the Lord responds: “If you return to me, I will restore you
so you can continue to serve me. If you speak good words rather than worthless ones,
you will be my spokesman. You must influence them; do not let them influence you!

Have you ever felt sorry for yourself or for someone else? Jeremiah was feeling sorry for himself in this passage. He was very upset and afraid. Every time he would pray he didn’t feel God was answering him the way he wanted him too. God didn’t stop listening, in fact, God told him what He wanted to do in this verse so that Jeremiah could have a new and refreshed purpose.

Sometimes God lets us feel angry and upset. He will even let us cast all the blame on Him. God is big enough to handle it. Just like Jeremiah, we all will face uncertainty. We will all face hard situations and feel hopeless. The key is to not waiver. Cry out to God and pray for His strength. Pray that God will hear you in your distress. God wants to restore you and be someone that can influence others.

What we have to realize is God wants to rearrange our priorities. God wants to use us to be His hands and feet to this world. God wants us to live blameless lives and fulfill His plan. When we feel angry, upset, and afraid learn to lean on God during those times. It’s easy when everything is going well, but when things aren’t going so well, that’s the most crucial time to trust God.  

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Complainer or Encourager

Jeremiah 12:1
You are always righteous, LORD,  when I bring a case before you. Yet I would speak with you about your justice: Why does the way of the wicked prosper? Why do all the faithless live at ease? 

Have you ever felt taken advantage of? Have you ever been treated unfairly? I'm sure from time to time we have all felt this way. Jeremiah, in this verse, is complaining to God about all the wicked people of his day. He is frustrated with the wicked prospering and living a life of luxury at the expense of others. What we have to realize is, God understands how we feel. God knows full well the extent of damage that has been done to His people.

Jeremiah was faced with some adversity in his day. He felt like there was no justice for the innocent. He was getting impatient with God, and wanted God to punish those that oppressed others. What Jeremiah failed to realize is, we all deserve just as much punishment as they do. The Bible says, "we all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God." In the eyes of God, sin is sin. If you've sinned once or a million times, the fact is, we have all fallen short of God's perfect law.

Finally, we need to learn how to stop complaining about things that happen unfairly to us. When things like this happen, we have two chooses: 1.) We can get mad and complain to God and others about it, or 2.) We can stay positive and let God take control. We will all face trying times in our lives, but God gives us the choice of what we will do when things like this happen.  God will ultimately be the judge of everyone. Even if we live a godly lifestyle, we will still fall short just like everybody else. So instead of being a complainer, learn to be an encourager despite setbacks. Leave room for God to take over the situation and learn how to accept whatever He feels is best for your life.    

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Pass the Test

Jeremiah 9:7
Therefore this is what the LORD Almighty says: “See, I will refine and test them, for what else can I do because of the sin of my people? 

Throughout history, we read about the Israelites struggling to fear and honor God. How does a nation fall into temptation and sin when they have seen the power of God? Because we are born into sin and are naturally selfish. In this verse, God said he would test His people. He wanted to see if they would turn back to Him and repent of their sins.

When we read these stories of the prophets, one thing is clear, God doesn't put up with sin. He gets angry when people refuse to repent of their sins and choose their way instead of God's way. God will test us just like He tested the Israelites when He sees us struggling to follow Him. God is constantly looking for people that will humble themselves and live for Him. God cares more about our repentance than He does anything else. 

When we mess up, we should realize when we have sinned and quickly admit what we did was wrong against God. Fortunately, God will forgive us when we come before Him with a sincere and contrite heart. We won't ever be perfect. Only Jesus lived a perfect life, but we can go to Him at any moment and make things right with Him. When we recognize times of testing, God wants us to pass the test. In the book of James it says that God wants to mature us in the faith and help us become more complete. When we face times of testing, ask God how you can pass the test.

Monday, December 26, 2011

Setting Boundaries

Jeremiah 5:22 
Have you no respect for me? Why don’t you tremble in my presence? I, the Lord, define the ocean’s sandy shoreline as an everlasting boundary that the waters cannot cross. The waves may toss and roar, but they can never pass the boundaries I set.

We should always remember what God has done and is doing in our lives. We serve a God, who at the sound of His voice and the stretching of His hands, created the entire universe. God has defined each and every single thing He created. God has also defined our lives in advance. What does that mean for us?

If God has the power to set boundaries for the waters, then God has the power to set boundaries for us. God has made it clear how to live a godly life through His Word. The more we read the more we grow. We learn everything we need to know about God and about life through His Word. Look at the last part of this verse. It says, "the waves may toss and roar, but they can never pass the boundaries I set." God has complete control over the seas. He has complete control of everything He created. God has made it very easy for us to accept His love and forgiveness by believing in His Son Jesus. All we have to do is place our trust in Him.

Even Jesus showed He had the power to calm the seas when He was in the boat with His disciples in the Sea of Galilee. The disciples were afraid, but Jesus showed them His power by calming the seas. There will be times when we feel afraid, but we should have faith and believe that God will get us through it.

God has set boundaries in our lives for our protection. He has done this so we can live peaceful and abundant lives. Even when the waves and storms of life toss and roar around us, we can place our hope and peace in Jesus Christ who can get us through any storm that comes our way. Remember this principle: "A life of boundaries is a life of blessings." Setting boundaries is a great way to stay out of trouble and gives you accountability with God and with others. Start setting boundaries today with things you know you struggle with and watch how those boundaries you set will turn into blessings.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Prince of Peace

Jeremiah 1:4-5
The word of the LORD came to me, saying, “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.” 

Looking into Jeremiah's life, we see a young man with a huge task. In Jeremiah 1:7 God said, "do not be afraid of them, for I am with you and will rescue you, declares the Lord." The Lord gave Jeremiah an opportunity to be set apart. God wanted to see if Jeremiah was going to stay faithful to Him no matter what.

Today we celebrate Christmas. We are celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ. It's amazing to see how God took His son Jesus to be the Savior of the world. It's amazing to see how a little baby boy born in a manger would change the world as we know it. It's amazing to realize that this same baby Jesus, is the Holy King of Israel and is God in flesh. When we read this scripture about the Lord saying, "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart," it's humbling to think about. When we see that God humbled Himself to come to earth to suffer and die for our sins, it should break us and help us realize how much He loves us.

God knows everything you will accomplish is this life just like He did with Jeremiah and His son Jesus. He knows all the ups and downs you will face. He knew what Jeremiah was going to have to face when he called out Israel to turn back to God and repent of their sins. God knew that His perfect and only Son Jesus would have to suffer a horrible death too. God also knew Jesus had the power to take His life and the power to raise it up again. Only God could do these things. Just like how the Holy Spirit interceded with Mary to have a child, God will intercede in your life and give you peace. Isaiah 9 says,  His name will be called Wonderful Counselor, Almighty God, Everlasting Father, and Prince of Peace!

Saturday, December 24, 2011

For a Reason

Isaiah 64:8
And yet, O Lord, you are our Father. We are the clay, and you are the potter. We all are formed by your hand.

Before God created the heavens and the earth, God knew you by name. God formed you before you were even thought about by your mom and dad. God knew exactly what He wanted you to do. All we have to do is be willing to walk in His salvation and follow Him. Be thankful that God created you and has given you a purpose in life.

Some people don't know what they are good at. Some might say, I don't have a purpose, I don't what I'm here to do. The reason is because they haven't surrendered completely to the Lord. If you are a Christian, than you should seek out your purpose. The only way we do that is by reading God's Word and praying to God for guidance. His will for everyone is to live a godly life and reach out to others by telling them about Jesus Christ. You can have a great job and great career, but that's not what is going to define you by God.  

In the end, it's how you used that job for His glory and if you represented God and others well. Did you take time with customers and share the love of Jesus with them? Did you see a need in the office and do anything about it or just walk away? Did you take the time to pray for someone that you said you would pray for? These things are important to God. Take time to see the needs around you instead of being so busy with life that you miss out on being a blessing to someone. 

God made everyone specifically for a reason. You might be used to help someone find what that reason is. Take advantage of every opportunity and watch how God will use it. 

Friday, December 23, 2011

Small Things

Isaiah 60:22
The smallest family will become a thousand people, and the tiniest group will become a mighty nation. At the right time, I, the Lord, will make it happen.”

When the Lord says he will make something happen, we should be listening. What a mystery God is. God chose a people that was ordinary by our standards. There was nothing great or awesome about them, but God knew they would be the people He would send His son Jesus into the world. In fact, the Israelites were enslaved by Egypt until God told Moses to free His people. God used these people to do something that was considered to be impossible.

God uses the small things in life to give Him glory. God will take a situation that seems to be completely impossible and will make it possible. The only way the Israelites were going to be free was by God's provision. Moses led God's people out of Egypt and God ultimately led His people to the "Promise Land." It wasn't without a lot of difficulties and some rebellion by God's people though. Like us a lot of times, we seem to easily forget what God has done in our lives. We need to remember what God has done even in the small things.

Jesus said if we can't be faithful in the small things, than how can we ever be faithful in the greater things of life? We have to be willing to do the small things in life. It might not get you famous or get you a pat on your back, but God sees everything and will bless you accordingly. God used the smallest nation to be one of the most power-fullest. God uses our weaknesses and turns them around and makes them our strengths. When we figure out what our weaknesses are don't let it get you down, but let God give you the strength so he can use it for His glory.  

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Peace On Earth

Isaiah 57:1-2
The righteous perish, and no one takes it to heart; the devout are taken away, and no one understands that the righteous are taken away to be spared from evil. Those who walk uprightly enter into peace;  they find rest as they lie in death. 

We live in a world where there is little peace. We always sing that song that says, "peace on earth," but that will never happen until the 1,000 year reign of Jesus Christ. So what does that mean for us? It's an opportunity to be bold and courageous. There are several verses that say, "do not be afraid." We don't have to fear anything on earth. God has already made a way for the upright and prepared a place for those that love and believe in Him.

God never forgets about anything He created. It's not in His character to forget about us. He loves each and every single person He has created. You've heard the saying, "God hates the sin, not the person."There are seven things God hates: envy, anger, lust, gluttony, sloth, pride, and greed. God has made it very clear the things we should refrain from, but to often these are the very sins we struggle with the most. We have to learn to get rid of the old self and learn to live in the new self everyday.

What are some of the things you struggle with from time to time? What are some areas in your life you need to improve on? It is never to late to ask for forgiveness. Even if you're on your death bed there is still time to make Jesus the Lord of your life. My hope is that you will let God have control of your life today and see how God will use you to do so many wonderful things for His glory. 

Learn to live right with one another and care for each other. Jesus washed His disciples' feet including the one who betrayed Him, Judas. There will be Judas' in your life. Choose to pray and forgive them today.  

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Good News

Isaiah 56:1-2
This is what the Lord says: “Be just and fair to all. Do what is right and good, for I am coming soon to rescue you and to display my righteousness among you. Blessed are all those who are careful to do this. Blessed are those who honor my Sabbath days of rest and keep themselves from doing wrong.

A wise man honors the Lord and does what it right. Jesus came to the earth to proclaim the "good news." He came to give us eternal life. The "good news" is just that, good news. If you receive a promotion at work, it's good news. If you have your first child, it's good news. If you get an unexpected bonus, it's good news. Jesus' life was "good news" to all of mankind. 

Why does Jesus want us to live right and do good all over the world? Because He could be coming back at any moment. We should be doing our very best until He comes back. You don't want to be caught in sin when He comes back do you? No, you would rather be doing exactly what He called you to do. People that are careful and do the right things will have so much more blessings when they enter Heaven. People who honor the Sabbath day, (which for Christians is now Sunday, because we celebrate Jesus' resurrection on Sunday) God says He honors and will bless us for that.

Remembering God for the things He has done is very important. Remembering that Jesus came as a little baby boy to proclaim "good news" to His chosen people and ultimately to the entire world is the greatest story that could ever be told. Never forget the greatest story that's ever been told. Tell as many people you can about Jesus Christ. Honor Him and keep His commands. The Lord will honor you and will bless your life.  

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

God with Us

Isaiah 53:11
When he sees all that is accomplished by his anguish, he will be satisfied. And because of his experience, my righteous servant will make it possible for many to be counted righteous, for he will bear all their sins.

In Isaiah 53, it describes who Jesus is and what he came to do. Jesus for some, and what I choose to believe, is the Savior and Lord of their life. Many choose to believe Jesus was a good teacher and some choose to believe he never existed. Whatever people choose to believe, Jesus has caused great debate and controversy over who He proclaimed to be.

Biblically, Jesus came and fulfilled every single prophesy that was foretold about his coming. In Isaiah 7:14, it was said Jesus would be born of a virgin and his name shall be called Immanuel, meaning “God with us.” There are over 400 prophesies told about Jesus. For any human to fulfill this would be impossible. Jesus did the impossible. He never failed and never sinned. He never lied and never gave into temptation. Jesus lived and breathed just like all of us, except he never did anything wrong.

What Jesus did for us is still hard to fathom. Why would anyone die for people that insulted, persecuted, hated, and wanted to kill him? This is what is so amazing about God’s love for mankind. God allowed His one and only Son to die in our place so we could have eternal life and freedom from sin once and for all. All we have to do is accept His free gift of forgiveness.

While you celebrate with family this Christmas, remember to celebrate the real reason why we celebrate Christmas in the first place. Tell Jesus how much you love Him and how much you appreciate what He did for you on the cross. Remember, God is always with us. He is always ready to embrace us when we make ourselves right with Him. Let God breathe new life into you today. God will give you joy and peace when you let Him into your heart.

Monday, December 19, 2011

God's Provision

Isaiah 48:17
This is what the Lord says, your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel: “I am the Lord your God, who teaches you what is good for you and leads you along the paths you should follow.

Do you believe that God has good things in store for you? Do you think God is fair and just? Many would say no, God doesn’t care about me, or why would God have anything good in store for me after all the things I’ve done. This attitude is far from the truth about God. Of course, He loves you and wants what is best for you. God has your best interest at heart. He has made a path for you to follow if you decide to let Him take control of your life. No matter what your past was like, God will take the bad things in your life and use them for your good. 

We miss out on the blessings when we decide to do things our way. God is constantly telling us to rely on Him. He is constantly showing and guiding our steps, but when we get frustrated and impatient, we find ourselves in trouble. Trusting in God is the hardest part sometimes. We don’t always know what will happen next, but God always will give us His best when we decide to put Him first and trust His provision.

Our path has already been chosen. God has already put the right people and the right circumstances in place so you will be able to have clarity to do His will. God has so many blessings for us when we decide to let Him dictate our lives.

As we approach the New Year, write down some things you need God to provide for you and your family. Write down some things that you need confirmation on. Start this New Year off right by letting God have full reign in your life. You will find it to be a lot more rewarding and less stressful when you do. You will begin to see things through God’s eyes and not just your own.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Winning Not Losing

Isaiah 43:13
“From eternity to eternity I am God. No one can snatch anyone out of my hand. No one can undo what I have done.”

One of the hardest things to remember in life is, we do not have to go though life alone. There are plenty of times where we feel isolated and insecure. There are times when we don't know the outcome of our circumstances. What we need to realize is, we have an opportunity to make the right decision. Life is about winning not losing. What do I mean by that?

Paul said it best, I have finished the race. I have fought the good fight. Now I can hear the Lord say to me, "well done my good and faithful servant." Many historians and scholars would say Paul lost at the end of his life. He was persecuted and flogged and eventually, died for his faith in Christ Jesus. Many would see that as a loss, but God sees it as a victory. Some of the hardest things we face are victories in disguise. Many might see only the physical ramifications, but we should see the spiritual victories it will become when we stay faithful to God's plan.

Jesus said, "Better to lose your life and save it, then to gain the whole world and lose it." Understand this principle: You only lose in life when you live for yourself and choose to disobey God. We win when we put God first and stay in His will. That's why the Bible says to hide His Word in our hearts so we won't sin against God. There are more victories in heaven waiting for us when we seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and then all these things will be added unto you.

Remember, in the end Jesus Christ and His followers win! God has it all planned out. Whatever you are going through, stay faithful to where God has you unless He tells you to do something else. Line yourself up with His Word and God will take you on a journey that will change your life.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

First Step

Isaiah 40:7-8
The grass withers and the flowers fade beneath the breath of the Lord. And so it is with people. The grass withers and the flowers fade, but the word of our God stands forever.

Our lives are like a flower fading in the wind. We only live here on earth for a short time compared to eternity. That's why we have to make everyday count. We should be giving our best to whatever God has us doing.

Whether it's being a business man or woman, a police officer, a teacher, or something else, God has a specific purpose for our lives. God has stood the test of time. We can see throughout history that God is still moving throughout people's lives. God has created everything for His glory. He has set us over His creation and given us the responsibility to take care of the earth. God made us the crown jewel of His creation. What a wonderful thought! From all the vast things that God created, He calls us the best of His creation.

When we are getting discouraged in life, remind yourself everyday that God made you the crown jewel of His creation. He made you to do something that only you can do for Him. You can't live someone else's life. You can only live the life God has for you. You can sleep better at night knowing that God has everything planned for you. We have to be willing to take the first step and say yes, I will be faithful to His calling.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Give Thanks

Isaiah 37:15-16
And Hezekiah prayed this prayer before the Lord: O Lord of Heaven’s Armies, God of Israel, you are enthroned between the mighty cherubim! You alone are God of all the kingdoms of the earth. You alone created the heavens and the earth.

What a mighty God we serve! We seem to forget how awesome and powerful God is. When we look into the night sky and see all the stars, it's amazing to think that those stars are millions and millions of light years away. God has named each star by name. He has created the universe and all that is in it. When you look at the human body and all the things that have to happen for us to survive, it is mind-blowing.

Never forget how big God is. He is bigger than any problem we'll ever face. He knows exactly what we are going through. He is waiting for us to turn to Him at any moment. He delights in His children and wants all of us to grow and learn from Him. God is always watching and investing into our lives. How much time are you investing in God?

Just like any relationship, there has to be give and take. You can't always take from someone, you have to learn to give back if you want the relationship to work and prosper. Just like with God, we can't always take from God and God not to expect us to thank Him and bless others with what He has given to us. A kind word goes a long way. A small gift here and there for no particular reason will mean more than any presents under a tree. The fact that you are thinking of that person is a gift enough.

Jesus said, it is better to give than to receive. Take time to thank someone today for helping you through a rough time or giving you an encouraging word. Most importantly, thank God for all the blessings in your life!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Only Light

Isaiah 35:10
Those who have been ransomed by the Lord will return. They will enter Jerusalem singing,
crowned with everlasting joy. Sorrow and mourning will disappear, and they will be filled with joy and gladness.

What an exciting time to think about the Lord's return. A few verses before in verse eight, the Bible refers to a highway that will be called the "Way of Holiness." Only those that know God will journey on it. No unclean or wicked person will travel on it, only those that live for God.

I've come to realize that life has lots of hurts and sorrows. If we had not gone through the things we do, then there would be nothing to looking forward to in Heaven. We have no idea the things God has for us in Heaven. Just the fact that God's presence dwells there is awesome enough. No more sorrow, no more pain. We have to realize that life is short and we will suffer if you believe in Christ. But every pain, every tear, every hardship doesn't go unnoticed to God. He has a blessing waiting for us on the other side when we stay faithful no matter what the circumstances.

If you are a Christian, you have so much to look forward too. Heaven will be a place filled with God's presence. There will be no need for the sun because God's presence will fill the entire place. There will be no shadows, no darkness, only light. We will be singing praises and spending time with loved ones and friends and most importantly, with our Savior Jesus Christ.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Lifestyle of Blessings

Isaiah 32:1-2
Look, a righteous king is coming! And honest princes will rule under him. Each one will be like a shelter from the wind and a refuge from the storm, like streams of water in the desert and the shadow of a great rock in a parched land.

We live in a time of great uncertainty. We don't have much control over 401k's, social security, and retirement funds these days. God never intended us to be secure financially and sit on the sidelines with our money. It's not even ours to begin with, so why do we work so hard to retire and not even know if we will or not? If you haven't noticed lately, we are living in a spending and ecomomical crises. We have no idea what could happen the next few years and what's to come of everything.

Even though we are living in uncertain days, God would want us to be generous with our money. Jesus said, don't even let your right hand know what your left hand is doing. I've learned over the years how important this principle is. Sometimes, we just need a little encouragement to find the right things to give too. We know the Bible says to tithe ten percent of our firstfruits, but does that mean we should stop there?

When you learn to free up your money, you can be a blessing to somebody else who needs help. You will find so much more meaning and purpose when you reach the needs of others. God has given us blessing after blessing. He wants us to be a blessing to others. Remember, just because corruption and sin are all around us, doesn't mean we stop and do nothing about it.

God will one day set His eternal reign here on earth and we will experience peace on earth for the first time since Adam and Eve. Until then, we have a responsibility to give out of our abundance to bless others and reach them for the gospel. Find a family or a friend who you can bless this Christmas and see how much it will bless their lives. The Bible says to carry each others burdens and take care of each others needs. Don't wait till Christmas to help someone though, but start making it a lifestyle and see what will happen when you do.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Lean on Me

Isaiah 28:5-6
Then at last the Lord of Heaven’s Armies will himself be Israel’s glorious crown. He will be the pride and joy of the remnant of his people. He will give a longing for justice to their judges. He will give great courage to their warriors who stand at the gates.

Being bold and couragous are qualities all of us should acquire. Standing up for the truth no matter what the consequences are is what God would want us to do. Jesus knew exactly what he had to do and died for it. Fortunately, Jesus has the power to die and the power to raise Himself from the dead. No one else can do that, only Jesus.

This scripture is saying that if we give God our best and put Him first, God will be the pride and joy of His people. The reason we don't see God that way a lot of times is because we haven't learned to put Him first in everything. If you read a few chapters later, the Israelites wanted to put their trust in the Egyptians and not in God. Amazing to see how a nation, once enslaved by Egypt, now wants to trust them with their lives. They easily forgot that God was the one that led them to the promise land and provided for their needs.

When God performs miracles and shows us us how big He is, don't easily forget about Him. Don't put your trust in your job or even in your spouse. We have to put our trust only in God. People will let you down. You spouse will let you down. Your kids and other family members will too. Let God begin to show you how you can be faithful to Him. You will experience true joy when you lean on Him each day and not on your own understanding. When you do that, your relationships and other responsibilities will fall into place.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Genuine Faith

Isaiah 26:12-13
Lord, you will grant us peace; all we have accomplished is really from you. O Lord our God, others have ruled us, but you alone are the one we worship.

When life brings all kinds of twists and turns who are you going to trust? The earth offers all kinds of pleasures, but will you give in to your flesh or will you live by the spirit? The Bible says to not get drunk on wine, but be filled with the Holy Spirit. God wants us to live according to His ways. We can't let our fleshly desires get the best of us. We have to submit to God's plan everyday.

Whatever happens in our lives, God already knows about. He is not surprised when we mess up and make mistakes. He is not surprised when we don't read His Word and pray regularly like we're supposed too. God knows all things. He knows all of our thoughts. Nothing goes past God, so why do we continue to put Him in a box? God can't be contained. He is a loving and merciful God, but He is also a God of judgment and wrath. We need to remember who we are dealing with when we decide to take matters into our own hands.

A life without God would be hard to understand. That is why we have people that don't understand Christians. They don't understand why Christians know what they believe. Unfortunately, more and more Christians haven't been leading by example and live like the rest of the world does. They give into every kind of desire and sin the world has to offer and still go to church like eveything is fine. The only way to change our world is by leading by example and setting godly moral standards again in our schools, our jobs, and our homes. That is the only way people will want what we have when we are genuine and live out our faith.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

One on One

Isaiah 22:4
That’s why I said, “Leave me alone to weep; do not try to comfort me. Let me cry for my people as I watch them being destroyed.”

There are times when we want to be left alone. Maybe someone hurt you. Maybe someone close to you is sick or died. Whatever it is, we need time to mourn and be alone sometimes. We also need people we can trust around us, but there are times when we have to get away and completely lean on God.

As I watch what the world is going through, I can't help but wonder why we don't turn back to God. It's like God is saying, "hello, are you guys tired of doing it your way, and ready to surrender to me and be blessed?" I don't think God has scratched the surface of the things to come if we don't turn back to Him. Our lives weigh in the balance a lot of times because of disobedience and corruption. God doesn't like it when we look to Him last with our problems. Most people aren't concerned with the ways of God. They don't understand the importance of a relationship with God.

Don't let people dictate your life. Don't let people tell you what you can and can't do. If it doesn't line up with scripture, then you shouldn't listen to it. The only way to find God is by obeying His Word and praying to Him. Don't wait till the last minute to give God a call. Take time out of your day to pray and lift up your concerns to Him. You can't always be around people all the time to do that. God wants us to have intimate one on one time with Him. We shouldn't forsake the assembly of the saints, but we shouldn't forsake our one on one relationship with God either.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

First Love

Isaiah 21:9
Now at last—look! Here comes a man in a chariot with a pair of horses!” Then the watchman said, “Babylon is fallen, fallen! All the idols of Babylon lie broken on the ground!” 

Babylon was a powerful city. The Babylonians were one of the most powerful and greatest cultures that ever lived. As most great societies do, they start to become self reliant and self sufficient on their own. They start to have very little need for God anymore because they feel they have done everything by their own achievements. This is where we can get into trouble. The second we push God away, is the start of our demise.

A wise person is wise because of their respect and honor for the Lord. That is where wisdom begins. We have to live in complete fear for the Lord. God is a perfect God. He is holy and true. His Word is divine and it is His love letter to us. We need God's love and mercy everyday. We need to be forgiven and shown grace everyday. God wants us to go to Him with our problems and concerns. God wants us to be honest with Him so He can forgive us. 

If we are going to be a different people, then we can't be like other societies that have fallen. The Bible shows us how great nations and cultures have fallen. They left their first love. Remember, God wants us to rely on Him with everything. The more we rely on Him and the less on ourselves, the more God can guide and lead us to where He wants us to be.

Friday, December 9, 2011

American Idols

Isaiah 17:7-8
Then at last the people will look to their Creator and turn their eyes to the Holy One of Israel. They will no longer look to their idols for help or worship what their own hands have made.

Our culture has done a great job getting people to buy into pleasure and happiness. The world has said you have to look a certain way to be successful or you have to do these certain things to be rich. In the last days, people will live for themselves. They will worship the things their hands have made. They will worship idols and not worship God. We live in a society where we couldn't be more divisive and hurtful towards one another.

An "idol," is anything we put above or before God. The most popular television show is, "American Idol." The most popular phones on the market are the "IPhone, ITouch, and IPad." We have bought into this "I" mentality and most of us sit back and do nothing about it. The Bible says not to have any idols or gods before the one true God. We can easily let these things distract and keep us away from spending time with God. We have to be careful what we let ourselves buy into. Technology isn't all bad, but we need to use it to further God's kingdom and not for ourselves.

One day all these idols and things that we think are so necessary to have in our lives will be brought to nothing. The only thing that remains is God and our relationship with Him. One day we will have to face God face to face and he will judge us according to what we have done on earth. Have you been doing everything you can to further God's kingdom where you work, where you go to school, and where you live? Start by simplifying some things in your life and learn to let go of strongholds that are keeping you from putting God first today.

The most important relationship is our relationship with God. Don't put all your emphasis on things that won't last. Put everything you have in a personal relationship with God today.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Blessed Allies

Isaiah 14:2
The nations of the world will help the Lord’s people to return, and those who come to live in their land will serve them. Those who captured Israel will themselves be captured, and Israel will rule over its enemies.

The nation of Israel has been a controversial subject for thousands of years. Many nations hate Israel and those that are it's allies. When Israel became a nation again on May 14, 1948, everything changed. Many didn't expect the Jews to have their land back. Even though it was prophesied for thousands of years in the Bible, many thought it was never going to happen. We need to be reminded that with God, all things are possible.

Many of our fathers, grandfathers, and great-grandfathers fought in World War II. During the war, the Nazi's were trying to take over Europe and ultimately, the world. Adolf Hitler and his regime, was viciously murdering innocent people and the Jews. The United States of America, still a pretty young country, began their involvement in the war in Normandy, France. We know it as D-day. It was one of the largest death tolls of any battle ever fought by mankind. Even though the stakes were high, God knew what the outcome was going to be. God knew that this young nation, "under God," was going to be used as a huge turning point and ultimately, win the war.

As we see the events unfold before our eyes with Israel today, let us not forget that they our God's chosen people. God used them to send His son Jesus into the world. God has blessed nations who support and serve alongside Israel. Pray for the nation of Israel today. Pray for The United States of America and other allies that support Israel. Pray that God will keep our nations strong, safe, and prosperous. Pray that we will continue to be a blessing back to other nations, and continue to reach them for the gospel.    

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Make an Impact

Isaiah 10:1-2
What sorrow awaits the unjust judges and those who issue unfair laws. They deprive the poor of justice and deny the rights of the needy among my people. They prey on widows and take advantage of orphans.

Ever wonder what happens to people that are unjust and oppress others? Ever wonder why some of these people succeed and others don't? Don't let that worry you. People who oppress others and judge unfairly, will themselves, be oppressed and judged as well. Remember what Jesus said, for in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. We might not see the immediate result, but people who live like this, will eventually fall.

When we see all kinds of evil around us, we need to take personal responsibility and help when we can. Don't pass it over to the government or even to the church, but take the opportunity to make a difference personally. There is no greater joy than helping the poor, widows, and orphans. James 1:27 says, "religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world."  

I challenge every Christian to go a mission trip. When you see the poverty in other countries, it will change your life. There are so many needs all over the world. We have to do more than sending money, we have to send ourselves. Make an effort to get involved in a global ministry this coming year and challenge yourself to go on a mission trip someday. It will change your life. Better yet, it will change others lives when you go and make an impact for God's kingdom.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Light of The World

Isaiah 9:6
For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting God, Prince of Peace.

Isaiah 9, tells us about the coming of Jesus. Jesus is referred to as a "great light." Jesus said that he is "the light of the world." The people who lived in his day thought he was going to establish a reign here on earth. Jesus came to establish an eternal reign. The Pharisees had a hard time understanding this and never saw Jesus as their Messiah.

People still today have never made Jesus as their Savior. Jesus said that the end times will be just like Noah's day. People will not care about the laws and commands of God anymore and live for themselves. We are living in those times. When Jesus came to the earth, he came at a dark period in time. He came to give hope and light to a fallen world. He came to fulfill the message that the prophets had been talking about for thousands of years.

We need to be reminded of why Jesus came. Jesus is light and has come to give us life, and life more abundantly. Don't think like the Pharisees thought. Most of them still refused to believe even after Jesus' resurrection. Most religions say the resurrection of Jesus' never happened. What do you say?

Jesus lived a perfect life and history can tell us that he in fact lived and breathed just like all of us have. The only difference is that Jesus is God's Son. He is seated at the right hand of God the Father and intercedes for those that believe. Choose to believe in God's Son today and celebrate His birth this Christmas. Make sure your family knows the true purpose of Christmas. Gifts and presents are great, but children need to know why Jesus came and why we celebrate the true meaning of Christmas.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Send Me

Isaiah 6:8
Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, "Whom shall I send? And who will go for us? And I said, here am I, send me!"

Isaiah was given a very difficult task. Just like most of the prophets, they were faced with opposition. Isaiah was no exception. When God called out, Isaiah was faithful and said, "here am I, send me." If God decided to speak to us audibly, would you hear His voice or would there be so much going on in your life that you couldn't hear Him?

The more Isaiah saw God the more he realized how powerless he was without Him. Have you ever realized how powerless you are without God? We can't do anything with lasting value without God. Isaiah realized he was unclean before Almighty God. In chapter 6 of Isaiah, we see that  his lips were touched with a live burning coal and his sins were forgiven. The cleansing process was painful, but necessary for Isaiah. It was required so that he could give God control over his life.

Maybe there are some things that you are holding on to that you need to give over to God. Although it might be painful, God will be faithful to forgive us when we repent and turn back to Him. God is more concerned about our hearts than anything else. Don't let temptations and sin distract you from what God has for you today. Let Him purify you and make you blameless in His sight today by letting go of unrepented sin.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Live Like There's No Tomorrow

Isaiah 2:2
In the last days, the mountain of the Lord’s house will be the highest of all—the most important place on earth. It will be raised above the other hills, and people from all over the world will stream there to worship.

This scripture is a promise to God's people. In the last days, everyone will want to worship God. If you read Revelation 21, you will find the significance behind this prophecy. Only those that have their names written in the Lamb's book of life will be able to enter. If you were to die today, do you know that you will be able to enter into Heaven and be with Jesus?

There is not greater feeling in life to know that we belong to Jesus. When we set our path on Jesus, He will lead us to do some pretty bold and courageous things. The only way we can live for Jesus is by making Him Lord of our life. Repenting and asking for forgiveness is the first step to salvation. Believing that Jesus is the Son of God and that He died on a cross and rose again is the most important part. We are sealed by the blood of Jesus Christ by confessing with our mouth and believing in our heart that Jesus is Lord. We have to believe that Jesus is who he says He is.

It is impossible to please God without faith. Are you living out your faith each day? Are you using the resources God has given you to do His will for your life? God wants to make things clear for your life. He wants you to experience peace. He wants you to experience joy that can only come from Him. Live in a way that could be your last today. You never know when we will take our last breath on earth. Only God knows the beginning and end of our lives, but while we are here on this earth, we should live like there's no tomorrow.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Deeper Friendship

Song of Songs 5:16
His mouth is sweetness itself; he is desirable in every way. Such, O women of Jerusalem, is my lover, my friend.

A marriage is more than just love, it is a friendship. Being able to devote yourself to another is what marriage is all about. Caring for each other's needs and listening is so important. If a marriage is all passion and feelings, eventually the relationship will start to fall apart. We have to take time to share with each other our likes and dislikes. We have to be honest and truthful about everything.

This scripture is talking about the girl calling Solomon her friend. A great relationship should always start by a friendship. God has ordained marriage to be sacred. There are things we can't do before marriage. Society has told us differently these days. Churches need to set a better example and Christians need to realize the importance of leading by example.

Learn to spend time with your spouse and listen today. Be patient with one another and carry each others burdens. Have a time when the two of you can get together and share what is going on during the week. Many marriages fail because of miscommunication. Learn to get to know your spouse and learn something new about them today. Put God first in your relationship and walk in His ways. Remember, two is better than one, for if someone falls, the other is there to pick them up. Be an encourager and learn how to build up your spouse and not tear them down. 

Friday, December 2, 2011

Rushed Love

Song of Songs 2:7
Promise me, O women of Jerusalem, by the gazelles and wild deer, not to awaken love until the time is right.

Young people these days are too often in a hurry for an intimate relationship. This verse is saying not to rush love. Don't force something only because you have feelings for that person. There are lots of things that need to fall into place before you start to think about marriage with someone. Unfortunately, people don't put an emphasis on marriage like they use too.

Marriages all across the country are failing. Why does this seem to be so common these days? Did people forget that marriage is for life? Did people forget that your vows actually mean something? There are circumstances that can call for a divorce like unfaithfulness, but the main thing to understand is love is not just a feeling, it is an action. Spouses will make mistakes just like all of us will. Love takes times to develop. Don't throw all your cards on the table immediately. Take the time to listen to your spouse, boyfriend, or girlfriend, and don't let your emotions get the best of you.

Relationships have to be taken seriously. We have to leave room for people's mistakes. Love isn't easy, but is rewarding. Remember what the Book of 1 Corinthians 13:4-5 says, "love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it is not-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs." One of the hardest things to do is to forget what people do to hurt us. The only way to move on is by letting go of grudges and learn to forgive and forget. Jesus forgave our sins as far as the east is from the west and doesn't remember them anymore. This isn't an easy thing to do as humans, but something we can learn from today.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Everyone's Duty

Ecclesiastes 12:13
That’s the whole story. Here now is my final conclusion: Fear God and obey his commands, for this is everyone’s duty. God will judge us for everything we do, including every secret thing, whether good or bad.

If you don't read this last verse in Ecclesiastes, the entire book would be hard to understand. The author King Solomon, lived a very unique life. He encountered every kind of enjoyment and hardship that could come someone's way. His wisdom in this book should remind us of who we are and not what we have done. Remember, God is just and will forgive us of our sins when we repent and turn to Him.

Solomon's final words are to "fear God and obey His commands, for this is everyone's duty." If we lived like today was our last or we knew Jesus was coming back today, how would your life be different today? Would you really care about how much money you could make today? Would you really care if your favorite team won? People put a lot of emphasis on entertainment and very little emphasis on God. We need to be reminded that God is watching every good and bad thing we do and will judge us accordingly.

Today, live in a way that will honor God. Live with an urgency to desire His ways. Live with a purpose and a passion to do exactly what He has called you to do. Whether it's at work, at school, or at home, do everything you can to put God first. Read scripture to yourself and maybe to some friends or colleagues today and meditate on it. Take a moment to pray for God's guidance and help for whatever it is you're going through.