Isaiah 64:8
And yet, O Lord, you are our Father. We are the clay, and you are the potter. We all are formed by your hand.
Before God created the heavens and the earth, God knew you by name. God formed you before you were even thought about by your mom and dad. God knew exactly what He wanted you to do. All we have to do is be willing to walk in His salvation and follow Him. Be thankful that God created you and has given you a purpose in life.
Some people don't know what they are good at. Some might say, I don't have a purpose, I don't what I'm here to do. The reason is because they haven't surrendered completely to the Lord. If you are a Christian, than you should seek out your purpose. The only way we do that is by reading God's Word and praying to God for guidance. His will for everyone is to live a godly life and reach out to others by telling them about Jesus Christ. You can have a great job and great career, but that's not what is going to define you by God.
In the end, it's how you used that job for His glory and if you represented God and others well. Did you take time with customers and share the love of Jesus with them? Did you see a need in the office and do anything about it or just walk away? Did you take the time to pray for someone that you said you would pray for? These things are important to God. Take time to see the needs around you instead of being so busy with life that you miss out on being a blessing to someone.
God made everyone specifically for a reason. You might be used to help someone find what that reason is. Take advantage of every opportunity and watch how God will use it.
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