Do you remember when you were the happiest? When it seemed like everything was going your way? Everybody thought you were cool and popular! You seemed to make everyone laugh and smile! You could do nothing wrong. This scripture is telling us to love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, and mind. And to love your neighbor as yourself.
When Christ said this he wasn’t telling them anything new. They knew that loving God with everything was the most important commandment. But then, Jesus threw in a curve ball and said love your neighbor as yourself. That is hard for people to understand sometimes. Hopefully by now you have thought about when you were the happiest in your life. You see, this is where we get it all wrong. We determine how happy we are from what other people think about us. We very seldom rely on God for acceptance. Why does that matter?
It matters because wherever you are in life, God wants you to give Him the glory for everything He has given you. People should not determine who you are. God should be the one that you should want to please and find true joy and happiness from. People will let you down and hurt you, but God never will. Don’t confuse your life’s circumstances with who God is. Lots of times we get mad at God because things aren’t going the way we thought they would, so we think God is being mean and doesn’t care about us.
It’s actually just the opposite. If we truly rely on God and seek after him then he will start to give back to us. Don’t misunderstand that. Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and then it will be added unto you. Too many times we seek after what we want and not what God wants, but we still blame God for the outcome. Start realizing that life is too short to play the blame game. When you get in God’s Word and start praying for His will and not your own, you will start to see how God will transform your life. Learn to give Him everything today and love people like you love yourself!
I will be praying for this ministry. What a perfect place to pray for our cities, states and country. America needs to get back to our Christian values and foundation!