Psalm 81: 11-13
“But no, my people wouldn’t listen. Israel did not want me around. So I let them follow their own stubborn desires, living according to their own ideas. Oh, that my people would listen to me! Oh, that Israel would follow me, walking in my paths!
Today’s scripture reminds me a lot of our nation today. Our nation was founded upon Christian principles and laws, but has fallen from these principles over the years. This country has been blessed and we have been a blessing to so many countries over the years. God is watching us and knows where this country is heading if we don’t wake up from our sleep. America was once a thriving and innovative country, but now has stopped dead in its tracks with the debt it’s accumulated over the years. We are still blessed more than any other country that has ever lived. I don’t remember the Israelites having cell phones, computers, and all the rest of technologies like we have today.
I believe God has been giving us chance after chance to get things right with Him. One amazing thing about God’s love is that it is patient. America still has so much potential, and I believe we have the resources to fulfill The Great Commission in our lifetime. We have already begun that journey through so many organizations like the IMB and NAMB. There are several others that have this same goal in mind.
So where do you play a part in The Great Commission? You might think this is just for people called to the mission field or maybe into ministry. Let me ask you something. Does it say in Matthew 28: 18-20, that you have to be a missionary or a minister to make disciples of all nations? If everyone would step up and do their part in what being a Christian is all about, then we could very easily accomplish this command of God. I believe if you are a Christian, then you are called by God to go and make disciples. Jesus took time with twelve men, and in their lifetime they reached the entire known world before they died. If more people would die to their self and get involved in discipleship, then our churches and our nation would be able to fulfill The Great Commission.
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