Welcome to See You At The Square!

"See You At The Square" was created for the sole purpose of praying for Revival in your town square.

At noon, Monday through Friday, we are asking that you will take the time to pray for your city, state, and country.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Don't Throw Your Pearls to Pigs!

Matthew 7:6
“Don’t waste what is holy on people who are unholy. Don’t throw your pearls to pigs! They will trample the pearls, then turn and attack you.

We like to think everyone we talk to about the gospel will listen and turn from their sin and be saved. But many will turn against your efforts and even try to hurt you. Some will not care or want to listen because they don’t understand the true meaning of God’s love. Some are so used to their sin they don’t want to change and all our efforts will be for nothing and leave us being taken advantage of and hurt. That’s what Jesus was referring to when He said don’t throw your pearls to pigs. We need to have clear instructions by God before we ever go into an uncertain situation when we want to reach people for the gospel.   

So how do we know where to go present the gospel? This is a great question to ask. The only way we can truly know is by God’s Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the only way we can know where to go share the gospel. We need to pray for the Holy Spirit to move on our behalf before we ever go anywhere to present the gospel. We need to pray for God’s wisdom and discernment whether we should go to certain places or else we will be wasting our time, money, and efforts.

God wants what He made holy to stay holy. The Israelites didn’t keep the temple holy and were publicly sinning inside the temple gates and God had to remove Himself from the temple. Whenever we sin and keep on sinning without repenting, God can distance Himself from places of worship and from our lives until we get things right with Him. 

Challenge yourself everyday when you wake up and when you go to sleep to ask God for forgiveness for your sins and do everything you can to live right with one another. Ask the Holy Spirit to guide your life and ask Him where God would want you to go to reach people for His name. But be ready and sensitive enough for God to change your plans when He wants to do something different.

Dear Jesus, I pray for wisdom and discernment today. I pray that you would prepare the places that you would have me go so I can shine your light throughout my community and around the world. Help me know where and where I shouldn't go and direct my steps everyday to reach the lost. In Jesus’ name, Amen! 

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